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Welcome to Vegan Territory
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Entering Vegan Territory
An explorers' guide to the world of plant-based cuisine
What vegans eat
What vegans don’t eat
Products you might expect to be vegan, but aren’t
Products you wouldn’t expect to be vegan, but are
What vegans eat – Gallery
Where do you get your… calcium?
Where do you get your… B12?
Where do you get your… iron?
Where do you get your… Omega 3?
Where do you get your… protein?
Where do you get your… Vitamin D?
Why eat vegan?
Eat vegan to feed 9 billion…
Eat Vegan for the Environment…
Eat vegan for your health
Eat vegan to reduce suffering
Eat vegan because you’re a mother
Eat vegan because you’re a feminist
Eat vegan to lose weight & feel great
Eat vegan because you can
Why NOT eat vegan?
Where do I start?
Shopping for vegans – how to read a label
Tips & Tricks
Breakfast & Brunch
Salads & Sushi
Dips & Spreads
Main meals
Liquid Refreshment
How to eat vegan for athletes
Vegan kids
Worries about vegan babies & children
Vegan babies – birth to six months
From six months – weaning vegan babies
Older vegan children
Vegan teenagers
Picky eaters
Popular with vegan kids
Party food for vegan kids
Vegan Kids’ Gallery
Vegan Inspiration
Recommended Surfing
Recommended Reading
Recommended Films
Recommended Video Clips (nothing graphic)
Recommended Recipe Books
Vegan Problem Page
Breakfast & Brunch
Bircher Muesli
Carrot-Quinoa Muffins
Crunchy Cranberry-Almond Granola
Fruity Fridge Porridge (aka Overnight Oats) with Chia seeds
Old-fashioned Flapjacks (with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, apricots and cranberries)
Quick Coconut-Oil Pancakes
Salads & Sushi
Butterbean, Walnut & Roast Med Veg salad dressed in lemon & fresh basil
Cucumber Salad
Mojito Remoulade
Green Bean & Potato Salad dressed in Mustard
Green bean, tomato, basil & black olive salad
Mushrooms à la grecque
Simple Vegetable Sushi
Quinoa Tabouleh
Dips & Spreads
Coriander, Lime & Blackbean Dip
Spinach, Asparagus & Cashew Dip
100% Plant-based Ocean Paté
Creamy Tomato & Basil: a crowd-pleasing classic
Main meals
Courgettes, Cashews & Green Peppers in Garlic & Blackbean Sauce
Gram Scram – with Red Peppers and Green Peas
Easy Vegan Pizza
DIY Summer Rolls
Pasta, Pesto & Peas
Roast Med Veg & Chickpea Harissa Couscous
Saag aloo (Spinach-Potato)
Sesame-sprinkled potatoes (with smoked tofu)
Super-Speedy Soya Bolognese
Sweet & Sour Stir Fry
Desserts & Puds
Autumn Apple Cake
Beetroot-Almond Brownies
Heavenly Chocolate Traybake
Cakes & Pastries
Autumn Apple Cake
Banana & Pecan Cake
Beetroot-Almond Brownies
Blackberry-Almond Cake
Carrot-Quinoa Muffins
Choc-Chip & Cherry-Almond Quinoa Loaf Cake
Cinnamon buns
Easy Apple-Raspberry Turnovers – 100% Plant-based
Gluten-free Simnel Cake
Raspberry Traybake
Heavenly Chocolate Traybake
Heavenly Lemon Drizzle
Strawberry-Coconut Giant Scone
Strawberry Victoria Sponge
Upside-Down Cake: Peach-Rosewater or Kiwi-Lemon
Biscuits & Bars
Coconut & Apricot Protein Bars
Coconut-Coated No-Cook Protein Brownies
Ginger-Coconut Blondies – 42°Raw
Old-fashioned Flapjacks (with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, apricots and cranberries)
Breads & Buns
Brilliant Basic Bread (with your Stand Mixer)
Wheat-flour Tortillas
Nanna’s No-Knead Saucepan Bread
Cinnamon buns
Liquid Refreshment
Beetroot-Berry Juice Boost
Pink Milk
Beetroot-Berry Pink Protein Shake
Breakfast & Brunch
Bircher Muesli
Carrot-Quinoa Muffins
Crunchy Cranberry-Almond Granola
Fruity Fridge Porridge (aka Overnight Oats) with Chia seeds
Old-fashioned Flapjacks (with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, apricots and cranberries)
Quick Coconut-Oil Pancakes
Salads & Sushi
Butterbean, Walnut & Roast Med Veg salad dressed in lemon & fresh basil
Cucumber Salad
Mojito Remoulade
Green Bean & Potato Salad dressed in Mustard
Green bean, tomato, basil & black olive salad
Mushrooms à la grecque
Simple Vegetable Sushi
Quinoa Tabouleh
Dips & Spreads
Coriander, Lime & Blackbean Dip
Spinach, Asparagus & Cashew Dip
100% Plant-based Ocean Paté
Creamy Tomato & Basil: a crowd-pleasing classic
Main meals
Courgettes, Cashews & Green Peppers in Garlic & Blackbean Sauce
Gram Scram – with Red Peppers and Green Peas
Easy Vegan Pizza
DIY Summer Rolls
Pasta, Pesto & Peas
Roast Med Veg & Chickpea Harissa Couscous
Saag aloo (Spinach-Potato)
Sesame-sprinkled potatoes (with smoked tofu)
Super-Speedy Soya Bolognese
Sweet & Sour Stir Fry
Desserts & Puds
Autumn Apple Cake
Beetroot-Almond Brownies
Heavenly Chocolate Traybake
Cakes & Pastries
Autumn Apple Cake
Banana & Pecan Cake
Beetroot-Almond Brownies
Blackberry-Almond Cake
Carrot-Quinoa Muffins
Choc-Chip & Cherry-Almond Quinoa Loaf Cake
Cinnamon buns
Easy Apple-Raspberry Turnovers – 100% Plant-based
Gluten-free Simnel Cake
Raspberry Traybake
Heavenly Chocolate Traybake
Heavenly Lemon Drizzle
Strawberry-Coconut Giant Scone
Strawberry Victoria Sponge
Upside-Down Cake: Peach-Rosewater or Kiwi-Lemon
Biscuits & Bars
Coconut & Apricot Protein Bars
Coconut-Coated No-Cook Protein Brownies
Ginger-Coconut Blondies – 42°Raw
Old-fashioned Flapjacks (with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, apricots and cranberries)
Breads & Buns
Brilliant Basic Bread (with your Stand Mixer)
Wheat-flour Tortillas
Nanna’s No-Knead Saucepan Bread
Cinnamon buns
Liquid Refreshment
Beetroot-Berry Juice Boost
Pink Milk
Beetroot-Berry Pink Protein Shake
Recommended Reading
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DIY Summer Rolls
Vegan Inspiration
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